Stamp Duty

When you buy shares, you usually pay a tax or duty of 0.5% on the transaction. If you buy shares electronically Stamp Duty Reserve Tax (SDRT) is payable. For shares purchased using a stock transfer form, you will pay Stamp Duty if the transaction is over £1,000.

Stamp Duty Land Tax

SDLT is payable on land and property transactions in England and Northern Ireland.

Property transactions in Scotland are subject to Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT).

Property transactions in Wales are subject to Land Transaction Tax (LTT).

Residential property

The rates apply to the portion of the total value which falls within each band.

Consideration (£) Rate (%)
0 - 250,000 0
250,001 - 925,000 5
925,001 - 1,500,000 10
1,500,001 and above 12

These rates may be increased by 3% where further residential properties, costing over £40,000, are acquired prior to 30 October 2024 and by 5% after that date.

First-time Buyer relief

First-time buyers may be eligible for first-time buyer relief on purchases of residential property up to £625,000. The rates apply to the portion of the total value which falls within each band.

Consideration (£) Rate (%)
0 - 425,000 0
425,001 - 625,000 5
for purchases over 625,000 normal rates apply

Non-residential property

Payable on consideration which falls in each band.

Consideration (£) Rate (%)
0 - 150,000 0
150,001 - 250,000 2
Over 250,000 5

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) is payable on land and property transactions in Scotland.

Residential property

Consideration (£) Rate (%)
0 - 145,000 0
145,001 - 250,000 2
250,001 - 325,000 5
325,001 - 750,000 10
750,001 and above 12

The rates apply to the portion of the total value which falls within each band.

Residential rates may be increased by 6% where further residential properties, costing over £40,000, are acquired prior to 5 December 2024 and by 8% after that date. Where the effective date of a land transaction is on or after 5 December 2024 and the contract for the land transaction was entered into on or before 4 December 2024, the tax rate of 6% will apply.

First-time Buyer relief raises the zero rate tax threshold for first-time buyers from £145,000 to £175,000.

Non-residential property

Consideration (£) Rate (%)
0 - 150,000 0
150,001 - 250,000 1
Over 250,000 5

The rates apply to the portion of the total value which falls within each band.

Land Transaction Tax

Land Transaction Tax (LTT) is payable on land and property transactions in Wales.

Residential property

Consideration (£) Rate (%)
0 - 225,000 0
225,001 - 400,000 6
400,001 - 750,000 7.5
750,001 - 1,500,000 10
1,500,000 and above 12

The rates apply to the portion of the total value which falls within each band.

Residential rates may be increased where further residential properties costing over £40,000 or over are acquired.

Higher residential tax rates

Higher residential rates may apply when you already own one or more residential properties. The following rates apply to acquisitions on or after 11 December 2024. For contracts exchanged prior to that date the percentages are reduced by 1%.

Consideration (£) Rate (%)
0 - 180,000 5
180,001 - 250,000 8.5
250,001 - 400,000 10
400,001 - 750,000 12.5
750,001 - 1,500,000 15
1,500,000 and above 17

The rates apply to the portion of the total value which falls within each band.

Non-residential property

Consideration (£) Rate (%)
0 - 225,000 0
225,001 - 250,000 1
250,001 - 1,000,000 5
Over 1,000,000 6

The rates apply to the portion of the total value which falls within each band.

Southampton Office

HJS Accountants
Tagus House
9 Ocean Way
SO14 3TJ

Tel: 023 8023 4222

Winchester Office

HJS Accountants
6 Charlecote Mews
Staple Gardens
SO23 8SR

Tel: 01962 842000

Reading Office

HJS Reading
3 Richfield Place
Richfield Avenue
Reading, Berkshire

Tel: 0118 951 1115